At age 11 Luke Burrage tried juggling for the first time. A decade later he has earned the status of "The Worlds Worst Non-Juggler." Performing in some of the worlds top venues including Durham Student Union, a sports hall in Northern Israel and on the street outside Notre Dame in Paris has made him an international bad name.

With the combination of incredibly bad jokes stretched to their furthest limits, inconsistant juggling skill and some sort of stage presence, Luke became the first and only juggler to ever win the coveted Plastic Golden Oscar Statue Award at the Whitough Talent Show in Newcastleton, Scottish Borders.

Striving for excellence and perfection Luke continues to push the limits during his stage performance, often just that little bit too far, resulting in too many drops. His many acts are sure to leave the audience surprised, revolted and feeling aukward, though maybe slightly amused.

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