This site in budgie speek here.


My name is Nigel.

Well, if you've read the link you clicked on to get here it would have informed you that I am actually a budgie. I have nice green feathers and evil beady eyes.

I sit in my cage all day, by myself. I think how life would be if I was a human. Would it be a better existence? Probably not.

Lets just look at how my life is better then, say, Leah. I live in her house because my owner doesn't want me.

For starters, Leah is very forgetful. She never remembers to feed or water me. Yet I always remember when she hasn't fed me.

Next, Leah relies on stuff to live. All I need is a mirror to say "hello, you dev'lish bird" to every day.

Finally, when I die I'll just be flushed down the toilet where as Leah will need to be put in a box and burnt or burried.

Yes, life is simple as a budgie.