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About a year ago I posted the below to rec.juggling. I've finally managed to try it out, but only with tiny beanbags. I'd love to have a go with this while club passing. Maybe one day... While I was juggling it was almost pitch black so I only did a five ball cascade.

"There's this thingy that I do with my digital camcorder. I point it towards my tv screen while the tv is tuned to the camera. Normally this would just result in a nasty light feedback type situation. But what I've discovered (very cleverly by accident) is that when I put the negative picture effect on, you get alternative black and white stripes/sqares/shapes repeating into the center of the screen.

Then I move my hand infront of the screen between it and the camera. Stick a delay on and you get the movement repeating up into the screen. It looks dead cool (i don't think my description does it justice mind you) and sort of does the same thing as mentioned in the previous post. Ish.
What I was thinking is maybe getting on of those larger projectors and screens and have people juggling infront of it. I'm sure they have loads of them in the university.
I'd be willing to try it out cos it would be cool playing with live special visual effects in a show.... even if it isn't in the education bit. he he.
Luke (who will be at bjc2k with his out!)
PS. I just revamped my website. New pictures of me juggling and surfing and stuff."

Strange how I'm still plugging my website. I can't see why I wanted people to look at it back then.