the comics

Member Profiles
No.27 home

This is Frank. He is the founder of the club and is still in charge, not becase he is a great leader or anything like that but purely for the lack of anyone else.

He is a maths professor and holds the title of "siteswap guru".

Bumble Bee - aged 47 (bug years)

This is me, Wesley. I like to club pass but not many others at the club can do it. Frank always complains about knocking his glasses and Matthew, well, we'll get to him in a minute.

I'm also the webmaster for the club, as you already know. Email me.

Stick Insect - aged 18

Matthew is Frank's son and doesn't like club passing either. He only likes numbers juggling and performing.

At the moment he is rather discontented with juggling. He told me the other day he was sick of it. It's a good laugh but he needs to get out more, meet some new people.

I think he's just sick of Bethany.

Bumble Bee - aged 21

Bethany is a bit wierd. She makes out that she can't juggle and I caught her having a go at 5 clubs. When I asked her about it she ignored me and went back to learning 3 larvae again. I think there's something fishy going on here.

She comes to the club is because she fancies Matt.

Slug - aged 22

Nobby is a cool guy. He doesn't juggle though. The only thing I've ever seen him do apart from spin plates was tie himself in a knot on the renegade stage over at the No.31 Juggling Convention last year.

Still, he has a great sence of humour and also it was him who got us the bottom right corner under the shed for free, as he is good friends with Ralph.

Earth Worm - aged 32

Ralph is the janitor of the bottom right corner under the shed. I don't really know him. He keeps himself to himself but he's willing to have a go at most things.

Snail - aged 21 again (that's what he told me)

These guys are great. We all love to juggle them.

Asorted Larvae - aged (not sure)

And then there's Laurence. Well, what can I say?

He must turn up for something, it sure isn't juggling.

Centipede - aged 23, 28 or 17 depending on what day he thinks it might be.