4 club triple-single-double with backcrosses -
MPEG - 2216KB
5 club backcrosses -
MPEG - 1608KB
11 catches of 10 balls -
MPEG - 431KB
5 club, 5 up half piroette -
MPEG - 1419KB
5 ball shower variations-
MPEG - 2549KB
5 ball siteswap with a kickup -
MPEG - 1730KB
5 club singles -
MPEG - 1089KB
Various 6 ball patterns: half shower, wimpy, synch and asynch fountain -
MPEG - 2041KB
17 catches of 6 clubs -
MPEG - 781KB
15 catches with 7 clubs -
MPEG - 698KB
17 catches with 9 balls -
MPEG - 733KB
11 ball flash in slow motion -
MPEG - 1144KB