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Monthly Archives: May 2011

LCP s01 e03 – Nat Osborn – a musician in New York

In this episode I have a long conversation with Nat Osborn, a musician living and working in New York. I hung out with him a few times last year, as explained in the podcast, and wanted to get his thoughts and views and ideas on record. Here’s a music video of his from last year […]

LCP s01e02 – David Friedman – photographer, blogger, inventor.

In this episode I have a long conversation with David Friedman. David is a photographer, blogger, and inventor, with a lot of crossover between these different creative strands. I was aiming for an hour-long podcast, but on my last question, David took off on an enthusiastic tangent about an almost completely disconnected project, which I […]

iTunes store link.

You can use this link to subscribe in iTunes: Does anyone use any other podcast subscription services? Like Google Listen? I’ll see about adding the podcast to those in the future, but for now you can use this link to subscribe: And a new episode will arrive later today!

LCP s01e01 – Introduction to Luke and the podcast project

It begins! This is episode 1 of the podcast, in which I introduce myself, talk about talking about creativity, and explain the concept behind the concept. Enjoy!

New blog, new podcast, new project!

Hello! I’m Luke, and this is the home for a little project I’m working on at the moment. It’s a podcast where I have conversations with interesting people about living a creative life. So far I have about 10 episodes ready to go. I’ll be releasing them over the next 10 weeks. After that? Then […]