One of the greatest things that happened at the convention was Rumpole Stiltskin's 24 hour act. That's right, he was on stage for 24 hours. From the last act on the renegade stage on Wednesday night to the first act on the renegade stage for thursday.
Here he is at about 12 hours into his act. It was at this point where he was mumbling things like "Crikey, I might as well stop after 24 hours, call it a day..."
In the last hour, skipping on a unicycle with a fire rope. How he didn't set fire to all the crap he had on stage I don't know.
No, Rumpole, you are meant to be tidying the stage, not just dancing.
At the end of 24 hours he was carted off stage in a rickshaw. A hat had been passed around and people had given thousands of gulehbsbxs... guilahahhs... guilalmnmnns... dutch money. I've heard reports of Rumpole doing 8 hour acts in the past and getting 74p. Well, it paid off this time.
In an exclusive interview for this website, I asked Rumpole if he a final thought on his pretty amazing feat. That thought? "Crikey!"
Should I care what you thought of the entire convention?.