LATW: fun for a while

I’ve decided not to continue with the podcast part of my “Luke Around The World” project. It’s fun to do, but just takes too much work. Even though I’ve streamlined the podcast process over the last four years I’ve been recording and releasing podcasts, I can’t keep it up while pursuing all my other hobbies and my job. If I only visited one new place a week it would be workable. The 24 different locations since the start of the year means only six per month, but those six per month come all in one week, creating immediate backlogs.

Still, I’ve got photos and stories to share, so I’m going to keep up the blogging side of the Luke Around The World project, and just drop the audio part.

To make up for this crushing disappointment to nobody at all the few people who listened, here’s a picture of the inside of the Hagia Sofia in Istanbul:

This entry was posted in LATW, Life, Photography, Podcasts, Travel. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to LATW: fun for a while

  1. Mary says:

    Oh No! I was really enjoying the podcasts. I realise they must take a lot of time though. I’ll still have the blog :-)

  2. dad says:

    We are sad…it was lovely to hear you… :-)

  3. Gert-Jan says:

    Yeah I was enjoying them too! But I understand that these podcasts must be very time consuming… Good luck with your other projects!

    All the best

  4. Pete says:

    That’s a shame, but podcasts do take ages to put together – congratulations on how many you did manage to make!

  5. Tommy says:

    Though I was enjoying the travel podcasts, I’m hoping that this might give you time to resume some form of the juggling podcast.

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