Category Archives: Travel

Share stories about my travels, both work and holiday trips.

Wannsee boat trip – August 2011.

Juliane and I took a trip together to the edge of Berlin, hired a boat, and rowed around the Wannsee. Here are some photos I took, and one that Juliane took. Boat rowing is a good way to get sunburn … Continue reading

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Devon and Guernsey – July 2011.

In the continuing tradition of ending up in places I’ve not visited before while working on the Prinsendam: Ilfracombe in Devon, England, and St. Peter Port in Guernsey. Summer cruising Ilfracombe, England. St. Peter Port, Guernsey. I love to read … Continue reading

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Santorini, Greece – June 2011.

Santorini, Greece! Here’s an island I’ve visited more times than I can remember. This was maybe the third time I’ve ridden a donkey up the path to the town, and I did it again later in the year. Summer cruising … Continue reading

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Invergordon and Newcastle – June 2011.

The first few photos are from Invergorden, Scotland. The rest are from a visit to Newcastle. I lived in Newcastle back in 2001 to 2003. It’s really weird to visit a city in which you once lived on a cruise … Continue reading

Posted in LATW, lukes history, Photography, Travel | Leave a comment

Bergen, Norway – June 2011.

I took these photos on one of my many visits to Bergen. I think this is the city where I’ve accidentally spent the most money due not realising how FUCKING EXPENSIVE everything is in Norway. On this day I didn’t … Continue reading

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