Juliane and I took part in the Berlin FotoMarathon. The idea is to take 24 photos in 12 hours, with an overall theme (this year “Seize the Day”) and with a title for each individual photo. As we are both recovering from sickness, we did all the photography in and around our home. We started telling a story with pictures, but as you never have more than the next half dozen photo titles, there was no way to plan how it went throughout the day. It’s a really good challenge, and we had a lot of fun.
Here and now (Hier und Jetzt).
Go for it! (Trau Dich!)
Colourful (Farbenfroh).
Free choice (freie Auswahl).
Melting away (dahinschmeltzen).
Prefection (Perfektion).
Euphoric (euphorisch).
Absorbed (versunken).
City life (Stadtleben).
Laughing out loud (lauthals lachen).
Longing (sehnsüchtig).
Pause for thought (Denkpause).
Flight of fancy (Höhenflüge).
Hot and spicy (richtig scharf).
Sweet tooth (Naschkatze).
Carefree (sorglos).
Call it a day (Feierabend).
Together (zusammen).
Chilling (chillen).
Refreshing (erfrischend).
Natural beauty (Naturschönheit).
Passionate (leidenschaftlich).
Cherry red (kirschrot).
The last dance (Der letzte Tanz).
I also did the FotoMarathon in 2011 but gave up part way through due to illness, and in 2010, which I wrote about on my blog but for some reason I never posted the final 24 images, even though I had them printed and I see them on my wall every day.
I love to read comments and feedback about my blog posts. Please email me, I reply to every message: luke@juggler.net