DumBo Days 2014 Results

Congratulations to Sander Vanpraet for defeating Remi De Vos in the final of the DumBo Days 2014 Fight Night. Jonas Kunz took third place and Rob van Heijst.

Sander took fourth place in Eindhoven, third place in HJW 2014 Enschede, and now has his first FNC title. For this he gets 250 points and climbs to 14th place in the current rankings.

Thanks again to Maarten Wils for organizing the tournament at the last minute, and to DumBo Days, of course!

There is only one more scheduled Fight Night this year, once again in Germany: Würzburg 2014. If you know of another tournament planned, or have any results of a tournament you’ve organized, please let me know: luke@juggler.net

* Photo not from DumBo Days.

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