BJC 2015 Darton Fight Night

Iver Tronstad and Jon Peat took part in an epic and entertaining final match at the BJC 2015 Darton Fight Night. Watch this video before reading more:

Iver earned himself 500 rankings points in his first tournament of the year. Jon Peat’s second place finish, along with his results from Chocfest and Bath Upchuck, moves him to the top spot in the 2015 race rankings with 540 points, just ahead of Iver, Luke Burrage and Dave Leahy, all currently at 500 points each. His result bumps him up one place to sixth in the current rankings.

Jon has now also matched Alexander Müller’sAlways the Bridesmaid” record for losing in the most FNC final matches without ever winning a tournament. Both Jon and Alex have four second place finishes without an overall victory. Simon À Campo has three and Rufus Oelkers has two.

Here’s a video of all the action from the opening rounds:

24 jugglers took part in qualifications, with 12 players from five different countries in the knockout. Brook Roberts took third place, moving him up to fourth place in the current rankings. Iver put an end to Johnny Malcolm’s winning streak of 8 matches over three tournaments, and Johnny settled for fourth place.

Thanks to Martin King-Sheard for commentary, Max for organizing the tournament, Ashley Harris for the photos, and everyone who sent in video. See all the results and details on the FNC website.

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