Crocodile Farm

Crocodile Farm: We spotted quite a number of crocodiles in the wild, but it's hard to take interesting photos of eyes and noses poking out of the water at a long distance. Then I found out about a crocodile farm and animal sanctuary near Victoria Falls, and I thought it would be a good chance to get up close and personal.

We spotted quite a number of crocodiles in the wild, but it’s hard to take interesting photos of eyes and noses poking out of the water at a long distance. Then I found out about a crocodile farm and animal sanctuary near Victoria Falls, and I thought it would be a good chance to get up close and personal.

Crocodile Farm: The farm has two sections; a public zoo-style area and a commercial breeding area. The zoo area had raised walkways so you can look down at the crocs in their pens.

The farm has two sections; a public zoo-style area and a commercial breeding area. The zoo area had raised walkways so you can look down at the crocs in their pens.

Crocodile Farm: Each pen held about 150 crocodiles. They had about 40,000 crocodiles in total. That's enough for a lot of food, and a lot of handbags!

Each pen held about 150 crocodiles. They had about 40,000 crocodiles in total. That’s enough for a lot of food, and a lot of handbags!

Crocodile Farm: During the tour, our guide dangled chunks of meat above the crocodile breeding pen, and the male crocodile was happy to pose for the camera.

During the tour, our guide dangled chunks of meat above the crocodile breeding pen, and the male crocodile was happy to pose for the camera.

Crocodile Farm: The red water isn't blood. It's a chemical added to the water for crocodile skin health reasons.

The red water isn’t blood. It’s a chemical added to the water for crocodile skin health reasons.

Crocodile Farm: These guys look funny.

These guys look funny.

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