Zebras in Zambia

Zebras in Zambia: One campsite in Zambia was next to a wildlife park. In the evening Juliane and I set out to find some animals, and we spotted some gazelles and giraffe and zebras. The next morning I got up before sunrise to hunt animals by myself. I tracked four zebras to a large field, and took photos as they walked around in the morning sunlight.

One campsite in Zambia was next to a wildlife park. In the evening Juliane and I set out to find some animals, and we spotted some gazelles and giraffe and zebras. The next morning I got up before sunrise to hunt animals by myself. I tracked four zebras to a large field, and took photos as they walked around in the morning sunlight.

Zebras in Zambia: If you look at most published wildlife photos, you'll see they are taken either as the sun rises or sets. The low, warm light makes for the most beautiful and defined images.

If you look at most published wildlife photos, you’ll see they are taken either as the sun rises or sets. The low, warm light makes for the most beautiful and defined images.

Zebras in Zambia: The entire field was strewn with tires for reasons I can't even guess, but I tried to minimize them in the photos. I also found it tricky to exclude fences and buildings from the frame, but it's worth it to make the photos look more

The entire field was strewn with tires for reasons I can’t even guess, but I tried to minimize them in the photos. I also found it tricky to exclude fences and buildings from the frame, but it’s worth it to make the photos look more “wild”.

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