EJC 2014 Millstreet Fight Night videos

Want to see a lot of videos? Then watch all the Fight Night videos below, in order, to see the full story of the EJC 2014 Fight Night play out.

Want to see just the best matches? I’d suggest watching the 1st Semi-Final and the Final videos only. Those were the two classic matches of the whole tournament.

Once you’ve watched the videos, check out all the results and details from the EJC 2014 Millstreet Fight Night. It was a 1000 point event with 40 jugglers taking part in the qualifications and a straight knockout tournament with 16 players.

Round of 16 and 8 highlights – 9 minutes 45 seconds:

The epic semi-final between Iver Roar Tronstad and Eóin Allan:

The not-so epic but still entertaining semi-final between Jochen Pfeiffer and Luke Burrage (if you want an epic battle between these two see this video from the EJC 2013 Fight Night final):

The third place match between the two loses of the previous matches:

And the final between the two undefeated players so far:

So congratulations to the winners and all who took part!

The next (scheduled) Fight Nights will be at the Skjève 2014 (Belgium) and HJW 2014 Enschede (Netherlands) events in September and October, and will both be 250 level events. If you know of or are planning to organize a Fight Night or other comparable combat tournament at any other juggling convention or event, please email me (luke@juggler.net) so I can add it to the Fight Night Beta website.

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