Category Archives: Juggling

Posts where I talk about juggling.

Final thoughts on the Top 40 Jugglers of 2020 experimental rule change

Do you want my final thoughts on the Top 40 Jugglers of 2020 experimental rule change? The experiment was this: “In the future, the juggling world might have full gender equality, where an equal number of women and men participate, … Continue reading

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Packing Juggling Equipment

New vlog! What’s in Luke’s case? And is it enough for two different 50 minute shows? Please consider supporting our juggling video projects via Patreon:

Posted in Juggling, Luke is Vlogging, Videos | Leave a comment

Juggling Podcast #001 – Juggling Games

My Patreon rewards are changing next month! To prepare, here’s the first Juggling Podcast, as posted exclusively for Patreon supporters in October 2018, but now uploaded as a workshop on mistakes to avoid when organising and running juggling games. The … Continue reading

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Brno 2020 Gala Show Photos

Click here for the Facebook album for easy viewing, liking, sharing, tagging, commenting, etc. All my photos are released under a Creative Commons 3.0 License, which means you can use them for any non-commercial purpose by crediting me as the … Continue reading

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Jugglers’ Calendar 2020

Every year I collect the favourite photos I’ve taken of jugglers on stage and make a calendar. Here is the calendar for 2020! If you want to help support my juggling photography, please consider supporting me financially via Patreon: … Continue reading

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