Luke Around The World – 20100202 – Buenos Aires, Argentina

Buenos Aires is another city I’ve visited many times. As such, in the podcast I don’t try to say everything I know about the city, instead I concentrate on what I did and saw on this visit only.


The podcast feed is: LATW RSS

Christmas on the Avenue 9 de Julio, the widest road in the world (2008).
Christmas on the Avenue 9 de Julio, the widest road in the world (2008).

The courtyards in San Telmo (2008).
The courtyards in San Telmo (2008).

The narrowest house in Buenos Aires, San Telmo (2007).
The narrowest house in Buenos Aires, San Telmo (2007).

Sunday market in San Telmo (2008).
Sunday market in San Telmo (2008).

Indoor market in San Telmo (2008).
Indoor market in San Telmo (2008).

Walrus English Bookshop, San Telmo (2009).
Walrus English Bookshop, San Telmo (2009).

Tango street show in San Telmo (2008).
Tango street show in San Telmo (2008).

Me at the Planetarium (2008).
Me at the Planetarium (2008).

Traffic light jugglers (2008).
Traffic light jugglers (2008).

Traffic light juggler (2008).
Traffic light juggler (2008).

Traffic light juggler (2009).
Traffic light juggler (2009).

The painted houses in La Boca (2008, not mentioned on the podcast).
The painted houses in La Boca (2008, not mentioned on the podcast).

Plaza Naciones Unidas (2009, not mentioned in the podcast).
Plaza Naciones Unidas (2009, not mentioned in the podcast).

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