Category Archives: Workshop

Working on a cruise ship Q&A

I get email! Hello, I’m Jan, I’m a Swiss circus artist. We don’t really know each others, we just shook hand briefly at the Bruxelles convention. I’m mailing you because I study in the new circus school Codarts, a higher … Continue reading

Posted in Juggling, Life, Meta, Podcasts, SFBRP, Travel, Workshop | Leave a comment

Juggling plans and goals in 2010

I had 13 plans and goals in this section, which makes it the largest section of all. That’s to be expected, considering I am a professional juggler, and juggling is one of my main hobbies. ” Keep improving my solo … Continue reading

Posted in Juggling, Life, plans and goals, Podcasts, Travel, Videos, Workshop | Leave a comment

Juggling Workshop: creating a routine part 3 – Practice!

Creation, choreography, refining, performing. Those are four steps I go through when working on a juggling routine for my show. But there’s one more step, and the amount of work I put into this step dwarfs the rest combined. Practicing. … Continue reading

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Juggling Workshop: creating a routine part 2.5 – repurposing choreography for different venues.

This routine is the big stage version: This routine is the small stage version: I perform in all kinds of venues. Sometimes I don’t know how high the ceiling will be. In my juggling studio at home I can throw … Continue reading

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Juggling Workshop: creating a routine part 2 – Choreography.

(In this workshop I talk in quite a lot of depth about the above video. If you’ve not seen it yet, watch before you read.) You know what’s the worst thing ever when performing a juggling routine? You may be … Continue reading

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