Category Archives: Travel

Share stories about my travels, both work and holiday trips.

Continued adventures in HDR photography (Israel)

I’m home! Which means I can upload some photos from the last trip. They are all over at the trip’s Sosauce album but I thought I’d share the HDR photos in a separate post. My first attempts were hand crafted … Continue reading

Posted in Photography, Travel | 1 Comment

Experiments in HDR Photography

Over the past few weeks I’ve mentioned the idea of HDR photography, which stands for High Dynamic Range photography. Here’s my first try, with an image I took this evening from my hotel balcony in Kusadasi, Turkey. The basic idea … Continue reading

Posted in Photography, Travel | 4 Comments

Photos from my Turkey, Albania & Croatia trip

I was a away for two weeks this month, on this trip: The trip mixed business and leisure, but even the business was quite fun. First up, I spent a week at the Sundance Nature Park for the Turkish Juggling … Continue reading

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I watched a fantastic sunset tonight in Kusadasi. I didn’t have my DSLR camera with me though, so used my iPhone to snap this shot: I should have known to carry my proper camera with me to dinner though, because … Continue reading

Posted in Life, Photography, Podcasts, SFBRP, Travel | Leave a comment

Yanartas (Mount Chimaera)

Sunday was the last official day of the Turkish juggling convention, even though there are still dozens of people hanging out here on Monday. People made lots of plans to do workshops and other events, but of course most people … Continue reading

Posted in Juggling, Life, Photography, Travel | 1 Comment