Category Archives: Videos

Where I can post links to my youtube videos.

Luke is Vlogging: Replacement Diabolo String Preparation Situation

The glamorous life of a juggler preparing for a gig.

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Luke is Vlogging: Spinning Beach Balls

Luke wore his finger away practicing ball spinning tricks, so uses beach balls to make a much more comfortable ball for training.

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From the Archives #3 – Benjamin Smalls in the BJC2k Public Show

Ben Richter, appearing as Benjamin Smalls, performed two acts in the British Juggling Convention 2000 Public Show. Some technical issues (some lighting changes and wrong music track playing) have been edited out of the video.

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Luke is Vlogging: Making Good and Cheap Spinning Balls

Making balls for spinning on the cheap.

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Challenge: 100 seven ball flashes in a row

Matthew Tiffany asked: “What is more difficult to achieve… 700 catches of 7 balls, Or 100 flashes of 7 balls in a row?” Here is an unedited video of my first attempt at part two of this challenge with numbers … Continue reading

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