“Catch up with Dexter.”
Partial win. I finished season two and three. Season four on DVD is still too expensive to buy, and I can never be bothered to pirate anything. Also I have a general principle which states I will never watch anything made for television for free, I will always pay for it. This way I will only spend time and effort on a series I really care about, rather than filling stupid amounts of time with dross. By paying for television it’s like I’m putting a dollar value, or euro value, on my own time. That I’m the one paying the dollar value means I value it even more.
“Watch more than the first episode of Battlestar Galactica.”
I did watch more than the first episode, although I haven’t made it to the end of the first series. Maybe in 2011. However, relying on semantics, this is a win.
“Play more Natural Selection and, if it is ever released, Natural Selection 2. I might need more memory for my PC though.”
Win. Natural Selection is my only gaming vice, but one I’m very happy with. I’m improving quite a lot, and it’s a great way to turn off my brain. I only ever play when I’m at home though, as it relies on stable Internet connection for multiplayer, and there is no single player.
I didn’t buy new memory for my PC, instead I installed Windows my new MacBook, and it plays PC games no problem. Natural Selection 2 is only just out as a beta, and doesn’t work very well on any computer, let alone my MacBook.
I also played through all of Half Life 1 and 2, and preferred Half Life 1 in almost every way except graphically. And I played through Portal too, which is very good, but way too short and way too easy.
This section total: 2.3 out of 3.