and a new SFBRP episode.

I was going to post about this ages ago, but kept doing other things. Today I decided I wouldn’t do any other writing until I knocked out another 2000 words on my current novel… that’s why I’m posting this at 3am after much keyboard-tapping, food-eating, with-Pola-chatting, Banksy-book-reading and ping-pong-playing.

Last night I did a live video stream recording of my book review podcast. I announced the event on Twitter, and the author of the book, Tobias Buckell, obviously tracks his own name somehow. Not only did he plug the live event, but popped in to watch for a while. I’m not sure how long he stayed. Technology is great, innit?

Next bit of news: I made an account on You can find me here:

I’m going to be using this to keep track of which books listeners to the SFBRP have recommended. This post is just a test, but I’ll be using the feeds to display different lists of books. I think if you hover your mouse over the images, you get to see the titles, and if you click you get to see load more info.

I have these books at home right now:

These have been recommended, and I plan to read them sooner rather than later:

Listeners recommended these books, and I’m sure I’ll read them at some point:

Listeners recommended these books, but I’ve already read them, and don’t plan on re-reading them just to review:

Of course, these are just SOME of the recommended titles. I need to trawl through all my emails and add the rest of the books to the lists too.

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