Novel feedback

I got my first email feedback from someone who read the finished version of my novel, Minding Tomorrow:

Heya Luke
my name’s Brandt I’m a listener of your SFBRP and I’ve just finished reading Minding Tomorrow.
I thought it very original, I think I got my 1st glimmer of suspicion about a quarter of the way through.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading on to confirm this, I think I stayed up till about 4am reading till I had to
stop about 7 chapters short of the end. Just wanted to write and say thanks for a good read,
and I look forward to more in the future.

Thanks Brandt! I hope future emails from other readers are similarly positive.

Meanwhile my second novel (more of a long novella) is coming along nicely. One more edit and I’ll send it out to volunteer readers for initial feedback. Email me if you’re interested!

I’m also going to work on some “book covers” for these projects. I’ll post some ideas here if I can make The Gimp work for me.

Finally, I’m working on an EPUB format download. Some time soon I’ll get it to work. I promise!

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One Response to Novel feedback

  1. Steve Bickle says:

    Luke, I downloaded an read the html version of the novel. I thought it was a really enjoyable read. Definitely old school science fiction. The sequencing of the chapters was a good device.

    The only jarring thing that bothered me was the mention of the high cost of data feeds when the viewsers first appeared. Even now people are prepared to pay relatively high costs for mobile data, and the cost is dropping monthly. For me this was only a minor quibble.

    This is one of the few books I’m likely to read twice, as second time through it’ll be interesting to see if I can pick up all the time related references that were only incidental on the first reading.

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