It’s been a long trip, but a fun trip! See my route here:
My goals for the trip, and if I managed to reach them:
– Do some good shows. Tick!
– Hang out with friends on the Prinsendam. Tick!
– Finish the music track for my video project. Tick! I’m really happy with it, but I might re-record the vocals.
– Get the last few shots and do a final edit on the video project. Tick!
– Visit some new places. Tick! Lanzarote was good fun, as was my two days on Aruba.
– Write the second half of my NaNoWriMo novel. Fail! I was working on other stuff. and, to be honest, sort of got hung up on the three quarters problem, and didn’t push through to the end. And this was three quarter of the second half of the novel, and a short novel at that, so I’ve probably only got 6,000 words to write.
– Take some cool photos, and generally get better at photography. Tick!
– Juggle a lot. Fail! Due to hurting my left thumb really badly during a game of combat before I left, I’ve done very little club juggling. Ring juggling is coming on well though. I think when I get back to Berlin I’m going to sign up for a week’s training with Sergei Ignatov to see if I can get some intensive learning with rings.
– Read a few novels and release some podcasts. Tick! Due to a non-shit connection at 2am on the cruise ships, I’ve even uploaded the podcasts while at sea, something that is normally too much of a pain and too expensive. I didn’t bother with Atlas Shrugged, and reviewed the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and Makers, the new novel by Cory Doctorow. I also read Shadow Magic by John Lenahan. And The Warrior Prophet by R. Scott Bakker, which I really, really enjoyed. And Exodus.
Highlights from the trip:
– Standing ovations in my shows. Also all the comments from guests and other entertainers about how much they enjoy my show.
– The trip up to the volcano on the island of Lanzarote.
– John Lenahan’s “magic” show. And Diemos’ Draculaphone routine.
– Watching the whole of season 1 of Dexter. Very, very good TV.
– The boat trips and the private island in Aruba. Also taking photos of lizards. Animals that stay still a lot, and look at you a lot, are very easy subjects.
I was planning to drop photos from my trip into this post, but I’ve shared quite a few already, and don’t have time to add them individually before I get on my flight down to Buenos Aires (I’m writing this at my departure gate in Miami International Airport, thanks to Google for the free wifi).
Instead I’ll add all the photos as a slide show, and add a new post in a few days about the second half of this 2 month trip: