Category Archives: Tutorial

NYC day 24 – Lyle Divinsky

The second band I saw on Saturday was Lyle Divinsky and the Something Somethings. I say “Something Somethings” because it changes every gig, and Lyle hasn’t settled on a name yet. Go listen to his music. Excuse me while I … Continue reading

Posted in LATW, Music, Photography, Travel, Tutorial | Leave a comment

NYC day 24 – Sveta Bout

On Saturday evening I saw two bands. I’d met both the lead singers earlier in my New York trip, and had listened to the CDs they’d given me. Here’s Sveta Bout, performing at the Lovin’ Cup. Sveta is awesome. Go … Continue reading

Posted in LATW, Meta, Photography, Travel, Tutorial | Leave a comment

Berlin Fotomarathon 2010: one day later.

How did the contest come out, Luke? The Berlin Fotomarathon? I had a lot of fun, but now my body aches all over. I was cycling for about 14 hours. Not constantly, but when I wasn’t cycling I was laying … Continue reading

Posted in Home, LATW, Life, Photography, Random, Travel, Tutorial | 2 Comments

Swans in the sun

“It’s such a beautiful day, I think I’ll walk.” Actually, I went to the canal to feed the swans. I took my camera, to practice taking photos without looking through the viewfinder. As I was trying to take a photo … Continue reading

Posted in Juggling, LATW, Photography, Travel, Tutorial | 1 Comment

I’ve been decorating

Over the past five days I’ve done a lot of work on my apartment. I painted the ceiling of the living room and juggling space, something I never got round to doing, despite living here for 3 years. I bought … Continue reading

Posted in Juggling, Life, Photography, Tutorial | 2 Comments