Category Archives: Travel

Share stories about my travels, both work and holiday trips.

Photos: Falklands wildlife

As promised earlier on my twitter feed; a sea lion, a penguin, some other birds, and… oh well, no dolphins today.

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A walk in Puerto Madryn

Today the ship stopped in Puerto Madryn, Argentina. The only reason it calls at this port is because the area is swarming with sea lions, penguins, whales, dolphins and walruses. I wanted to go on a day-long trip to see … Continue reading

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Photo: self portrait experiment

In Buenos Aires I walked past this (I think) university building. I became slightly obsessed with the red and white stones in the gravel. This photo was taken with the camera literally resting on the ground. This is a three … Continue reading

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Photo: Montevideo

I only took five photos in Montevideo. Two of Bob and Nora, one of the cruise ship, one of some tango dancers, and the photo above. It’s a HDR photo, but the tone mapping is, I hope, not overly unrealistic.

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Photos: Boba and Nora

Today I visited Montevideo. It’s a small city, in a small country, and there’s really not a whole lot to do. Especially if you’ve been there ten or eleven times before. Thankfully Bob and Nora, some friends from Germany, were … Continue reading

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