Category Archives: Travel

Share stories about my travels, both work and holiday trips.

Photo: self portrait

Many of the photos I take are of buildings or animals or landscapes. Sometimes I take photos of people. I rarely take photos of myself. I was thinking recently “why not?” and couldn’t come up with a good answer. So … Continue reading

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Photos: copying photos in Buenos Aires

After flying in from Miami, and getting to my hotel, I stayed in most of the day because of rain. Come 3:30pm the rain was clearing, I thought I’d head out on a walk, see if I could meet up … Continue reading

Posted in Photography, Travel, Tutorial, update | Leave a comment

Trip: 20091112 Atlantic Crossing

It’s been a long trip, but a fun trip! See my route here: My goals for the trip, and if I managed to reach them: – Do some good shows. Tick! – Hang out with friends on the Prinsendam. Tick! … Continue reading

Posted in Juggling, Life, Photography, Travel, Videos, Writing | Leave a comment

Photo: final lizard portrait

Taking wildlife photos is usually a job for long zoom lenses. For a lot of these shots I’ve used a 70-300mm. But when wildlife isn’t very wild, and actually rather tame, I can use my wide angle lens instead. This … Continue reading

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Photo: fighting lizards

I have a show tonight. Two shows, in fact. They should be pretty good, as it is the first time I’ve performed on a large stage on a cruise ship since May. However, last night I drank too much and … Continue reading

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