Category Archives: Writing

Where I can talk about my fiction writing.

Interview with me on via El Circense Magazine

Back in January an interview with me was the cover story of El Circense magazine. The problem? It’s only published in Spanish. Now you can find the entire English language version (the original text) on the blog. It’s quite … Continue reading

Posted in Advice, Juggling, Life, Workshop, Writing | Leave a comment

The Art of Guruism (comment conversation)

I wrote a blog post about The Art of Non-Conformity. Chris, the owner of the website, obviously found out about it due to Google Alerts or something, and posted a comment. I emailed a response, but thought I’d post it … Continue reading

Posted in Advice, Comment Conversation, Life, Writing | Leave a comment

The Art of Life and Work Advice

When chatting with a friend on Skype, about how many new countries we wanted to visit in 2011 (me 20, him 3), he said: “Incase you don’t already know if him, be sure to check out Chris Guillebeau. He’s made … Continue reading

Posted in Juggling, Life, Meta, Travel, Writing | 2 Comments

Writing plans and goals in 2010.

“Keep writing for this blog.” Win. “Finish editing and release (and decide on final titles for) on my two works-in-progress novels: Combat Story and Monster Story. Completion dates: January and March.” Win. The final titles actually stay very much the … Continue reading

Posted in plans and goals, Writing | Leave a comment

NaNoWriMo 2010 ideas

It’s coming up to November, and that means NaNoWriMo. National Novel Writing Month. The goal: to write 50,000 word novel in 30 days. I did it in 2008, and completed the challenge. That novel became Minding Tomorrow. In 2009 I … Continue reading

Posted in Writing | 1 Comment