
I don´t have much time to post here, but the cruise is going well. I did two shows last night, and both went down a storm with the audiences. Unfortunately they both ran for over an hour, and I´m only meant to do 50 minutes. Thankfully the my show seems to be entertaining enough to keep people in their seats and awake and laughing until the end.

Today I did a bit of videoing of myself juggling on a glacier. I slipped and skidded to the bottom of the ice. I dropped my clubs on the way, and one bounced out of sight. As far as I can tell, it fell down a small crevass. I now have only 4 clubs when I need 5 for my next show. Normally I take a spare of every prop, but I thought “I´m not going to go losing a club…” Turns out I can.

I may post that video on youtube some time.

Novel editing is on track. If anyone wants to read the (maybe) final draft of “Edward (working title)”, give some feedback and help me come up with a better title, send me an email

Reading and podcasting isn´t going so well. But I have something to talk about that might be quite fun…

Next update in a few days time!

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