Category Archives: lukes history

“Get a job!” – bootstrap pulling skills and becoming a professional juggler.

This story was originally written as a forum post, when someone asked, in relation to Occupy Wall Street reactionary comments like “Get a job!”: “Please could some of you successful forum members tell the story of how you became successful … Continue reading

Posted in Advice, Juggling, Life, lukes history | Leave a comment

Juggling and Celebrity

This post was originally written for the Juggling Edge discussion on the same topic. I have a lot of experience with juggling, and some with celebrity, and some with the two topics combined. I’ll break it down into four points/stories. … Continue reading

Posted in Juggling, Life, lukes history | Leave a comment

Fight Night 2005 – Luke vs Luke – aka my “Rocky” act.

An old routine from 2005! I was asked to be the final act at the Nottingham Juggling Convention that year, on the account that I did “something new, something clever, or something funny.” Over the course of about four days … Continue reading

Posted in Juggling, lukes history, Videos | Leave a comment

A month of music – part 4: listening to my entire iTunes library by date added.

So, it’s that time of year again! In 2009 I listened to every bit of music in my iTunes library as sorted by track name, and in 2010 I did listened to the entire thing as sorted by by track … Continue reading

Posted in Life, lukes history, Music, Philosophy, Random, Writing | 1 Comment

Crashing vans, juggling 11 balls, etc. (Ten Years Ago Today)

Last year I wrote a blog post called “Ten Years Ago Today” in which I shared the story of a life-changing event; attending my first large juggling convention. So today a friend mentioned that he’d just bought a car using … Continue reading

Posted in Juggling, Life, lukes history, Photography, Travel | 3 Comments