Travel photography

Luke Jumping in Portugal

Luke Jumping in Portugal

Every time I upload a new album of travel photos I’ll post the link here. They’ll be in one or both of two places:

I have loads of photos hosted on this website: These are sorted first by continent, then by country, then by city or visit. Also you can find the International Mugshots Gallery which consists of Pola and I taking the same photo of ourselves pretty much everywhere we visit.

I also put some recent albums on including photos from my trips to Africa and Portugal, and a day with Pola on the beach.

Pola on the beach.

Pola on the beach.

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Trip maps

I travel a lot as a professional juggler, and as of this year I’ve visited every continent. If you want to see all (or most of) the places I’ve visited, I keep track using the footprints feature at


I’m also trying out a service at that lets you record and share your trips, so I’ve loaded up my next trip to South America:

I’ve been to all these destinations before (I’ve been to Buenos Aires and Montevideo more times than I care to count) but I’m looking forward to revisiting them all. For example, I’ve been to see the Magellanic Penguins and the Rock Hopper Penguins on the Falkland Islands, but not the King Penguin rookery.

On my trips page you can also find the route of my last trip which took me to East Africa, and earlier interesting trip routes. Eg. Pola and I went to Antarctica, and you can see exactly where we visited here:

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Testing, testing…

Yup, everything seems to be working. Now I’ll make one post per topic to bring everyone up to speed on my life in 2009.

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Hello and welcome…

This is my new blog. Welcome, intrepid visitor.

I’ve decided to make a blog where I can share all my current projects, no matter the subject or flavour. You can subscribe to the blog just by sticking in your feed reader, but you might not be interested in everything.

So, if you only care about juggling, follow the Juggling RSS.

Want to follow my travels? Just subscribe to the Travel RSS

Want to know where I’m up to in my latest novel? Use the Writing RSS.

You get the idea.

Posted in Juggling, Life, Meta, Music, Photography, Podcasts, Random, Travel, Videos, Writing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment