Category Archives: Travel

Share stories about my travels, both work and holiday trips.

Berlin Fotomarathon 2010: one day later.

How did the contest come out, Luke? The Berlin Fotomarathon? I had a lot of fun, but now my body aches all over. I was cycling for about 14 hours. Not constantly, but when I wasn’t cycling I was laying … Continue reading

Posted in Home, LATW, Life, Photography, Random, Travel, Tutorial | 2 Comments

Swans in the sun

“It’s such a beautiful day, I think I’ll walk.” Actually, I went to the canal to feed the swans. I took my camera, to practice taking photos without looking through the viewfinder. As I was trying to take a photo … Continue reading

Posted in Juggling, LATW, Photography, Travel, Tutorial | 1 Comment

Berlin Juggling Convention 2010

I had to write an article about the Berlin Juggling Convention this year, and I need some photos. Instead of focusing the show and normal things that appear in convention reviews, I’d concentrate on five other things: Daniel’s Geek Table, … Continue reading

Posted in Juggling, Juggling Convention Photos, Life, Photography, Travel, Writing | Leave a comment

25 expressions

Someone posted this sheet to a discussion forum I frequent. It’s full of arty types, so this kind of challenge brings out all kinds of fun stuff. Here’s Adam’s submission: Here’s mine. I made the joke before anyone else: Rym … Continue reading

Posted in Life, Random, Travel | 1 Comment

A trip to the zoo!

Last Tuesday I went to the zoo with my parents. The Tierpark in Berlin is huge, and even after visiting twice there are a few parts I’ve not seen yet. Here are some animal photos. A Gibbon (I think). Ring … Continue reading

Posted in LATW, Life, Photography, Travel | Leave a comment