Category Archives: update


I just looked up the Eyjafjallajökull volcano, and realized that Pola and I visited it in 2007: In this truck: Meanwhile I’m staying with friends in Istanbul until… well, I don’t know. My next gig is on Wednesday, in the … Continue reading

Posted in Juggling, Life, Photography, Random, Travel, update | 1 Comment

Combat, my latest novel, is now available to download

It’s the followup novel to Minding Tomorrow. You can download it and read it for free, because I’m nice like that. Here’s the link to the Combat page on my website. For those wondering why this post is also in … Continue reading

Posted in Juggling, Life, SFBRP, update, Writing | Leave a comment

Home to Berlin

I got back from a week-long work trip today. I went to India, Oman and Dubai. I’ll be posting more about it here, but for now enjoy these two photos from each end of the cruise.

Posted in LATW, Life, Photography, Travel, update | Leave a comment

To India (and other places)

In a few hours I’ll be heading to the airport on my next work trip. Three weeks at home in Berlin has been great, and I’ve got a load of work done. But the work I’m working on at home … Continue reading

Posted in Life, Travel, update | 1 Comment

I’ve been away…

I’ve been away on a cruise for 10 days, on the Queen Mary 2, and only had internet connection enough for emails. I’ve been busy though, and have loads of photos and videos and stories to share, but they’ll have … Continue reading

Posted in Photography, Travel, update | 1 Comment