Category Archives: update

Photo: Sunset over the Drake Passage

This is currently the desktop image on my laptop. Click for full sized file.

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A bad flight (and a new laptop on the way?)

The story of part one of my flight home: I waited by the cruise for my taxi, which didn’t seem to be booked by anyone, and once it was finally sorted I set off with about 45 minutes to go … Continue reading

Posted in Random, Travel, update | 2 Comments

Photo: penguins (of course)

I finally got round to sorting through the 900 photos from the trip so far. Here are two from the Falklands:

Posted in Photography, Travel, update | 1 Comment

Last photos of 2009: more Falklands wildlife

I’m just getting ready to leave the ship to go to the airport to fly home. In fact, I was ready hours ago, but for bullshit bureaucracy reasons I wasn’t allowed off the ship, and had to spend all day … Continue reading

Posted in Photography, Travel, update | 1 Comment

Taking stock of 2009

After working hard at my chosen career for the past six years I’ve reached the point where I have a surplus of time and money, so have to use both to achieve all the things I can while both at … Continue reading

Posted in Juggling, Life, Meta, Music, Photography, Podcasts, Random, SFBRP, Travel, update, Videos, Writing | Leave a comment