Category Archives: Writing

Where I can talk about my fiction writing.

Luke on Spiritual Experiences and Atheism

Here’s a blog post I’ve wanted to write for a long time, the first in the series of three. This post will be about spiritual experiences, the second will be about modern Christians and their use and knowledge of the … Continue reading

Posted in Life, Random, Religion, Writing | 11 Comments

Combat, my latest novel, is now available to download

It’s the followup novel to Minding Tomorrow. You can download it and read it for free, because I’m nice like that. Here’s the link to the Combat page on my website. For those wondering why this post is also in … Continue reading

Posted in Juggling, Life, SFBRP, update, Writing | Leave a comment

The Monster Story Conference

I just released a new novella-length piece of science fiction. You can download it for free over here. Enjoy! A bit of background: I was going to start editing a novella I wrote last February, called “Monster Story (working title)”. … Continue reading

Posted in Life, Podcasts, Writing | Leave a comment

New trip today: Antarctica and South America

In a few hours I’m flying out of Berlin, back down to south South America. The trip looks like this: Clicking on the map will take you to the trip page where you can zoom in and out stuff. … Continue reading

Posted in Juggling, Life, Podcasts, SFBRP, Travel, Videos, Writing | 1 Comment

Fridge Magnet Poetry

Here is a sonnet. It’s a story from the point of view of a man asking his master if he can ravish a woman, but picks the wrong one, and has to face the consequences. I was at a party … Continue reading

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