Category Archives: SFBRP

Podcast updates

After a bit of a break while I worked on my own novel, I just put out a new Science Fiction Book Review Podcast episode, where I pretty much list all the things I hated about The Fall of Hyperion. … Continue reading

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Minding Tomorrow released online.

Tonight I finished a long term project: an idea for a novel kicking around in my head for years, many aborted attempts to get words on the page, finally completing a first draft last year, lots of editing, and lots … Continue reading

Posted in Juggling, Life, Random, SFBRP, Travel, Writing | 3 Comments

Current Trip – Baltic cities.

On Wednesday I got a call from my agent about a last minute gig. I said I’d do it. The gig was confirmed at 5pm Thursday, and I was on the plane by 7:40pm. Today, Friday, I find myself in … Continue reading

Posted in Juggling, Life, Photography, SFBRP, Travel, Videos, Writing | Leave a comment and a new SFBRP episode.

I was going to post about this ages ago, but kept doing other things. Today I decided I wouldn’t do any other writing until I knocked out another 2000 words on my current novel… that’s why I’m posting this at … Continue reading

Posted in Meta, Podcasts, SFBRP, Videos, Writing | Leave a comment

SFBRP Live Show Tonight!

SFBRP Live Show tonight! Begins in about 3.5 hours. That makes it: 11pm my time (Central European Summer time) 10pm British Summer Time 5pm Eastern Daylight Time 2pm Pacific Daylight Time The book I’ll be reviewing is Crystal Rain by … Continue reading

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