Category Archives: update

Photos: mountains. Update: Illness.

What Mount Osorno looked like this time: What Mount Osorno looked like back in March: Yesterday I took a walk around Punta Arena, the southernmost city in Chile. Man, that is one ugly place to visit! I took a few … Continue reading

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Sunglasses (and getting into a fight)

Yesterday I picked up my sunglasses, and one of the lenses fell off. YES! Why I am I happy with this? Well, I have a bad track record with sunglasses. I either lose or break them. And I do this … Continue reading

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Photos: copying photos in Buenos Aires

After flying in from Miami, and getting to my hotel, I stayed in most of the day because of rain. Come 3:30pm the rain was clearing, I thought I’d head out on a walk, see if I could meet up … Continue reading

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Aruba update and photos

Today I left the Prinsendam in Aruba. Normally at the end of a contract I go direct to the airport and fly home. But tomorrow I’m joining another ship here in Aruba, so have to stay overnight. Normally when I … Continue reading

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Photo: Prinsendam

Last night I performed two shows, as normal. The first was my favorite show in a long time. The audience was in a great mood, and every seat was full. I had lots of heckles and comments shouted at me, … Continue reading

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